Speaking as embodied/somatic researcher in collaboration with Associate Professor Kim Jones from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte as literal/ephemeral researcher and choreographer – we presented the process and methodology for our research and embodiment of the contemporary re-imagining of Martha Graham’s lost dance, Imperial Gesture (1935) to The Arts in Society Conference, 2017 in Paris, France.
Our presentation titled Gestural Lineage: Evoking feeling through practiced, intentional gestures for dance reconstruction, resonated strongly with the conference’s themes including art theory and history, authenticity and voice, the ethics of art and art practice
arts products, aura and artifact, mimesis, sense-making, authenticity, authority, and semiotics. I especially enjoyed that we presented research that was both practice and research focused.
I offer special thanks to my research and creative partner Kim Jones as well as Orsolina 28 for an inspired artistic residency.
Here is a link to Rafael Molina’s blog covering our presentation.